Squarified Treemap by using Processing

Squarified Treemap was introduced in the paper Bruls, Mark, Kees Huizing, and Jarke J. Van Wijk. Squarified treemaps. Springer Vienna, 2000. Link to Google Scholar

Squarified Treemap is one way to visualize hierarchical data.

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The hierarchy of the input data:

| |-11
| |-21
| |-22
| |-31
| |-32
| |-33
| |-41
| |-42
| |-43
| |-44
| |-51
| |-52
| |-53
| |-54
| |-55
  | |-611
  | |-612
  | |-613

Processing Source Code

The Processing source code is available at https://github.com/zshiba/visualization.